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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Applying philosophy to cybernetic revolution and digital transformation. Professor of political philosophy Barbara Henry talks on the role of critical thinking skills at PATHS’ Summer School offered by the Ministry of Education and INDIRE

Publication date: 14.07.2020
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On Tuesday, July 14, Barbara Henry, professor of Political Philosophy at Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute, will give her virtual talk “Fra rivoluzione cibernetica e rivoluzione digitale. Il ruolo del pensiero critico” at the PATHS’ Summer School. The PATHS’ philosophy lecture will introduce attendants to key concepts in philosophy teaching methods, learning styles and critical thinking skills for students and their (academic) associated performance.

The  PATHS’ Summer School is organized by the  Direzione generale per gli ordinamenti scolastici e il sistema nazionale di valutazione of the Italian Ministry of Education and Indire. The program is part of the project “La scuola non si ferma” which is focused on identifying minimal conditions for online learning and teaching as proposed in the PATHS - Philosophical Approach to THinking Skills.

Considering the growing importance of critical thinking in enhancing the competence of individuals, citizens and students, the guidelines for pedagogy of citizenship education in Italy “Linee guida per l’insegnamento dell’educazione civica” will be announced during the Philosophy Summer School for a re-introduction of philosophical enquiry to social and political awareness in young people while promoting responsible judgements on social affairs from critically informed citizens.